加州克莱蒙特. - 2023年10月20日- 斯特罗姆C. 查克 was inaugurated as 比萨 College’s seventh president Friday in a ceremony that highlighted his Claremont roots and his vision of 比萨 as a steadfast model for other institutions of higher education.
学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 受托人, 大专院校代表, 和其他客人聚集在斯蒂芬L. Glass Commencement Plaza on a sultry afternoon to celebrate 查克, who previously served as a professor and dean of the 教师 and vice president for academic affairs at Union College in New York.
Though it’s been 35 years since he was an undergraduate at Pomona College, 查克 told the audience that his return to Claremont to take the helm at 比萨 still feels like a very special homecoming.
“在计划这些话的时候, 我最初并没有给他们一个正式的头衔, 所以你不会在节目中看到,他说. “I might have titled them something along the lines of ‘It’s Great to Come 首页.’ ”
他在克莱蒙特的成长岁月至关重要, 他补充说, noting how “I have come to realize that my path to this place, 这一天, 这一刻, 就从克莱蒙特开始. 就是在这里,我发现了自己.”
Dean of 教师 Allen Omoto served as emcee and welcomed attendees. He was joined on the platform by a panoply of speakers representing the 比萨 community, 克莱蒙特学院, 以及周围的社区. The ceremony also included a vocal performance by Pomona College student Aaron Wu ’25, “月亮河”是谁唱的.”
12所文理学院的代表, 包括狄金森学院, 华盛顿李大学, 富兰克林 & 马歇尔学院, 太平洋大学, 和洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学, were on hand for 查克’s investiture by 比萨 Board of Trustees Chair Donald P. 他给塞克尔戴上了总统勋章.
“Dr. 塞克尔被选为匹策的总裁,古尔德说, “marks the first time in the College’s history that 比萨 has been led by a graduate of a member institution of 克莱蒙特学院.”
Especially poignant were remarks given by those who worked closely with 查克 at other institutions and have watched him grow as a scholar and higher education leader. 其中包括莎拉·塔哈, an alum of Union College who worked with 查克 on various initiatives and committees as a student and member of Union’s 校友 community.
“No matter how busy or how many responsibilities Strom had, 他总是抽出时间听学生们讲课, 活在当下, 并向所有人伸出手,”她说。.
Another Union College voice was that of Stephen Ainlay, the college’s president emeritus who had worked closely with 查克.
“We all celebrate this very special day with you,” he told the audience. “总统的选择很重要. 你选得明智,选得好. 我知道这个社区将在未来几年蓬勃发展.”
“He’s a Sagehen through and through,” said Pomona College Professor Emerita Elizabeth H. Crighton, who knew 查克 as an undergraduate and became an important friend and mentor. “When I heard he was a finalist for 比萨 president, I was frankly thrilled. 多么完美的搭配啊. His heart belongs to liberal arts colleges, especially 克莱蒙特学院.”
Other speakers included Scripps College 总统 Amy Marcus-Newhall, 克莱蒙特市98年议员詹妮弗·斯塔克, 和学生, 工作人员, 以及匹泽学院的教职工代表.
“We welcome him not just as our new president but as one of our own: a new, 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的终身教授,奈杰尔·博伊尔教授说, 谁是匹策学院执行委员会的主席. “作为一名政治学家, I can attest that 比萨 has added a very distinguished scholar of Inter国家 Relations, 尤其是拉丁美洲的政治经济.”
For 比萨 College Student Senate 总统 Sanya Dhama ’25, 塞克尔已经给人留下了积极的印象.
“I am optimistic for our future here under 总统 查克’s 领导,” Dhama said. “From day one he has fulfilled his promise to work with all of us.”
She noted that he has already attended a meeting of the Student Senate and is making “an extra effort to understand us and uplift our voices.”
在就职演说中, 查克 praised 比萨 for staying true to its core identity over the last 60 years.
Though much has changed since his undergraduate years in the 1980s, 查克 said “the essence of who and what we are remains the same. 比萨, 特别是, 仍然忠于它的根基, 它的使命和核心价值, even as they have developed over time and as the specific words used to convey them have evolved. 比萨 remains fresh and innovative while staying true to its core identity. 绝非易事.”
查克 ac知识d a large group of students who stood in silent protest during the ceremony, many with signs urging the College to exercise its voice and powers regarding the war in Israel and Gaza. 查克 thanked them for sharing their messages and concerns and noted that 比萨 is a community that supports public dialogue and the discussion of “uncomfortable ideas in the service of education, 知识, 相互理解.”
仪式以Rev. Joel Daniels, Protestant chaplain of 克莱蒙特学院. Daniels read prayers written by Rabbi Danny Lutz and Muslim Interfaith Chaplain Hadi Qazwini, 谁都不能出席. The ceremony was followed by a special ribbon-cutting ceremony organized by 比萨’s Student Senate to celebrate the reopening of the fountain on Pellissier Mall and a community reception on The Mounds and celebratory dinner.
观看完整的斯特罗姆就职典礼. 查克: